The Tracy Reunion Association, Inc. By-Laws
August 15, 2010
The official name of this association is: The Tracy Reunion Association, Inc.
The object of the Tracy Reunion Association is to promote fellowship among the Tracy descendants, collect vital statistics, preserve the reunion records, traditions, and the Tracy land in Gouldsboro, Maine.
Article I Membership
Sec. 1 Membership of the association shall be open to any descendant of Jonathan Tracy & Abigail (Riggs) Tracy and the spouse of the above-mentioned persons. Membership is by application and genealogy if line is not known by association.
Sec. 2 An annual membership fee of $10.00 payable by August 1st of each year to be considered to vote at the annual meeting of the association.
Sec. 3 Members shall keep secretary up to date on address, email and phone numbers.
Article II Meetings
Sec. 1 The annual meeting will be held on the third Sunday of August.
Sec. 2 Only members of the association as recorded by the secretary and who are in attendance at meetings will be allowed voting privileges. Guests are always welcome but are not allowed voting privileges.
Sec. 3 Meetings may be held in the State of Maine as long as 4 (four) or more trustees are present. All trustees must be notified. The trustees will meet once before the operation of the association.
Sec. 4 Issues or proposals voted on by the membership cannot be over-ruled, altered or changed by any member(s) of the Board of Trustees.
Sec. 5 All transactions shall be in the best interest of the association legally voted on by the membership of the association whereby no one individual will have personal or adverse interest in such transactions.
Article III Officers and Trustees
The routine affairs of the association shall be entrusted to the Board of Trustees during intervals between reunions. The Board of Trustees shall not pledge the association to any new polices, such actions requires vote of the membership.
All officers, trustees or committee chairmen must submit their report to the president by August 1st prior to the annual meeting.
A historian is not an officer of the association. It is the head of the committee to preserve and document records of the association. The historian shall be appointed by the president.
All Tracy records & memorabilia should be turned over in thirty days of the expiring term of the said officer involved.
All nominations for positions should be received by the current president 30 days in advance in order to have name on the ballot. There may be nominations from the floor if consent has been given from the person running.
All officers shall be elected annually.
Sec. 1 The president will preside over all meetings.
The president shall be ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees and/ or all other committees as voted by the membership.
The president will only vote if it becomes necessary to break a tie.
The president will keep the list of documents and memorabilia held by each officer and/or committee member. The said officers/committee will sign for the items and sign again when the documents/memorabilia are given back.
Sec. 2 The vice president shall take over the duty of the president in his/her absence. He/She will have a vote as a trustee of the association.
Sec. 3 The treasurer shall keep the financial records of the association. He/ She will pay bills, as presented, in a timely manner. For the protection of the treasurer, on the day of the reunion, all money collected will be counted by the treasurer and recounted by two other members. The treasurer will have a vote as a trustee of the association.
Sec. 4 The secretary will keep a written record of the association
including committee reports and special meetings. Copies shall be given to all officers. He/She will keep a list of the membership of the association and copies given to both treasurer and president. The secretary will have a vote as a trustee of the association.
Sec. 5 The trustees will oversee the workings of the association.
He/She shall serve a staggered three year term.
There will be 3 (three) other trustees besides the officers of the association.
If a person cannot fulfill his term as trustee one may be appointed by the other trustees until the annual meeting where the general membership will elect for the remainder of the trustee’s term.
No two people from the same household or immediate family (mother, father, child, grandchild, etc.) shall serve at the same time in a voting capacity as a trustee of this association. The goal is to have as many family lines represented as possible, views and opinions.
Article IV By-Laws
Sec. 1 The by-laws may be amended as necessary at any annual meeting with written notice (newsletter) to all voting members at least 30 (thirty) days prior notice of the annual meeting via e-mail, mail or website.
Sec. 2 The proposed amendments must be voted by a 2/3 (two thirds) affirmative margin by the membership in attendance.
Sec. 3 Any by-law changes are effective immediately following the close of the annual meeting.
These above by-laws incorporate the M.R.S.A. (Maine Revised Statutes Annotated) 13B in its entirety with the above exceptions.